
Mount Pelee History

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In the early 1900s St.Pierre on the French Caribbean island of Martinique was famous tourist destination.”It was known as the Paris of the west Indies”, and home to more than 20,000 people,Mount Pelee sits about 4 miles from St Pierre.On May 8, 1902 the volcano erupted. Sending a volcanic surge directly at St.pierre's at a rate of 420 miles per hour.Killing 30,000 people in its wake.National National Geographic News”Deadliest volcano of the 20th century, 100 years later””molly pell and channo wOodage for National Geographic News, 5-8-2”

There were only two survivors in the direct path of the surge.The first was 25 year old Louis-Auguste he ran off from his laboring job and didn't work all day.He drank that entire night then turned himself

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