
Mousetrap Car Research

Decent Essays

The mousetrap car, Versace, was tested multiple times to test how far it went. When constructing the car, the group members had different ideas, but all ideas were put into the construction of the car. The car was tested with CDs as wheels and then paper plates as wheels. Each time, when testing the car, the axle gearing had different measurements and distances. The group had finally gotten the best distance on the car. The group was also able to find the kinetic energy of the boat. Then the data from the tests were used to find the efficiency of the car. Overall, the car did very well. When constructing the mousetrap car, each team member had different ideas. The group considered each idea and included it into the construction of the car. Some team members wanted to test friction, by switching the wheels of the car. The group would test CD wheels and paper plate wheels. The group also wanted to test the axle gearing. The group wanted to test this to see if the speed would increase.The group also had tested the lever arm length, so the speed could be tested. The group tested different lengths, 5 inches and 10 inches. The group tested each of these …show more content…

In this conversion, some energy is lost to friction. To get the calculated efficiency, work out and in is needed. The force stretched for the mousetrap car .5 Newtons. The levor arm is 3 meters long. First the angular speed is needed, the group got 17 revolutions in 1.87 seconds, for the work out. And converted this to radians per seconds. Then the group found the work in and converted to radians per seconds, as well. Then the torque out and in was needed. To get the torque, it is force times the levor. Power out and in is also needed, torque times work. After everything is calculated , divide power out by power in and mulitply by 100, to get a percentage. This is the efficiency for the mouse trap

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