
Muslim Immigration

Decent Essays

Muslim immigration is a controversial issue in the country of America and is still to this day a debatable topic. Donald Trump, a presidential candidate for the US election, suggested: “A total and complete shutdown of Muslim’s entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Although Muslim immigration can be argued against, there are key reasons why it should be accepted.

The stereotype of Muslim terrorism should not represent or generalize the Muslim people. America, the land of the free and opportunities, should be accepting of refugees and immigrants. “And, of course, a no- Muslim policy would be counterproductive by seeming to confirm that the U.S …show more content…

Many Muslim’s suffer in their own country and seek refuge. Their seek for refuge should not be accused of bad intentions such as terrorism. “In a report released earlier this month, Reclaiming Hope, Dignity and Respect: Syrian and Iraqi Torture Survivors in Jordan, the Center for Victims of Torture (CVT) details patterns of torture and human rights abuses endured by Syrians and Iraqis in their home counties, as well as the challenges they are facing as refugees in Jordan.” Mentions Annie Sovcik in “Seeking Hope: Syrian Refugees Consider the Future” The majority pursue refuge in America for their well-being and lives. The minority of terrorist should not represent the majority of Muslims chasing after safety. “As Amira, a Syrian woman, explained, ‘All we want is to return – to go home. It’s very hard to be outside and so far away. Our families and communities and people are dispersed. We want to be reunited and together again.’ However, she also noted, ‘We have lost so much – our homes, our businesses, they are all destroyed. What are we returning to?’ Consequently, for many refugees, the only elusive hope left seems to be a third country.” Cites “Seeking Hope: Syrian Refugees Consider the Future” by Annie Sovcik. The Muslim people who have lost their homes have nothing to return to. Their only hope is refuge in other …show more content…

Their suffering should be taken into real consideration and Muslim’s should be invited to make refuge in

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