
My Dearest Lorelei Research Paper

Decent Essays

My dearest Lorelei,

I remember the day you were born, like it happened only yesterday. Looking into your beautiful blue eyes, holding your tiny hand in mine for the first time. I see you now as you grow into a young lady, right before my eyes. I cannot tell you just how very proud I am of you. Once upon a time, I was like you. I know you are shaking your head thinking, “you don’t understand meeee.” Oh but I do. You see I wasn’t always the prehistoric Mom-Asaurus Rex. Believe it or not, I had the same problems you have, and I too, thought my mother was way out of touch, and she had to be the dumbest person on the planet. My mom used to tell me useless junk like, “don’t wish so hard to grow up.. these truly are the best years of your life and you will want them back.” This will shock you, but guess what she was right all along. Life does go by quicker than we realize sometimes. Cherish every moment, enjoy the little things. You my dear have taught me how to do that, over these eight years.
I love to watch you dance, singing your heart out, playing softball, drawing me some amazing pictures, playing with your sister, and most of all I just enjoy watching you enjoying life. You have also taught me …show more content…

Learning how to do more and more things on your own. That you once needed me for and now don’t . I may shed a tear or two sometimes as I let you go, but it isn’t of just sadness. It is for how proud and happy of you all at the same time. In life you are going to make mistakes along the way, and you are going to fall down sometimes, and that’s okay. It’s all about being able to learn and grow as a person from the mistakes, and always getting back up when you fall down. No matter how old you may get, you will always be my little girls. I love you to the moon in back. When you ever doubt ask me again and I will tell you again that I will always love you to the moon and

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