
My Dolls Feelings

Decent Essays

Everyone has Feelings My Dolls names are Joe and Dowdy. Joe is 10 years old and an outgoing boy who likes to play and make as many friends as he can. Joe also likes to ride bikes in his free time. Joe likes to wear shorts all the time and his favorite color is blue and his favorite food is pizza and nachos. Joe always wears a baseball cap of his favorite team, even when he goes to school because his mother got permission from the school so Joe could wear his cap. Dowdy she is more of a laid back person who is shy around other kids and doesn’t really like to play outside; she feels uncomfortable making new friends. Dowdy’s favorite food is hamburgers with fries and ice cream, and her favorite color is yellow, and she likes to wear dresses all the time. Dowdy feels like a princess when she puts on a yellow dress with a big bright yellow daisy flower on it. Both …show more content…

Is it important for people to like you based on the way you look and do we all have to look the same way in order to feel accepted? Why would feeling of insecurity, loneliness, depression, and feeling of being scare hurt us so much. If Joe feels so unsecure without his hat on all the time what should Joe do to not feel this way? Should he get the same haircut that all the other boys have or should he convince everyone else to wear a baseball hats? What about Dowdy she feels lonely and depress because she doesn’t have any friends. But she feels this way because she is struggling with being overweight and she feels that people will just make fun of her. She has had people call her names that have hurted her feeling so she has shut the doors to friendship. Should Dowdy loss weight in order for people to like her or should she just try to ignore the hurtful comments that people my make about the way she looks? Both brother and sister don’t have too much in common but they do share one thing and that is they suffer from low

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