
My Ethical Philosophy Of Leadership

Good Essays

My ethical philosophy of leadership would consist of different theories. I don’t believe that just one theory is right or wrong. I feel that for me to be an affective manager that I must utilize many theories to have a better understanding of how to work with my employees. However, to be that affective manger I must also understand that I will need to say “no” and sometimes be stern with my employees. I have to be strong and define myself, my values, my character as well as my beliefs. This will not only help me in the work world but also in everyday life.

Leading by good or evil? “The Power that comes from being a leader can also be used for evil as well as good. When we assume the benefits of leadership, we also assume ethical …show more content…

I want them to feel as if they are part of the team. I must listen to them and be open minded to their viewpoints. I need to be able to respect those viewpoint as well. Second, I feel I need to be fair as a leader. I cannot be bias to one employee over another. I understand that I will have employees that will do more for me and they are the type of employees that will get the recognition they deserve however I cannot favor them in a way that it makes others resentful. As a leader I also think it is my duty to serve and help those within our work community. Meaning that I need to have my employees back and I should have their best interest in mind over what is best for just myself. If I do not have happy employees then they will not be doing good work and that all comes back on me and reflects how I am as a leader. You can either, take the bull by the horns and lead or you can ride on the back of the bull and be bucked off! The last thing I feel I need to be as a manager is to be honest. If I am not an honest person I will never have the respect of those I work with. No matter the situation good or bad I need to be upfront and just let them know the truth. (Heathfield, …show more content…

We as business owners, management and or in a role of authority must set, address and comply with a solid foundation of ethics. “A code of conduct is the single most important element of your ethics and compliance program. It sets the tone and direction for the entire function. Often, the code is a standalone document, ideally only a few pages in length. It introduces the concept of ethics and compliance and provides an overview of what you mean when you talk about ethical business conduct.”

(Dubinsky, 2015) As a coach I am in the role of a leadership position. I do have a code of conduct contract in place that I have put together and that all my student athletes must sign and comply to. If for any reason they do not comply then yes they can and are held responsible. If we do not have these guidelines in place our employees will not feel safe, they will not feel as if there is any organizational structure. Basically it would be a free for all and nothing would ever get done effectively as there would be no accountability for actions uncompliant to the code of

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