
My Heritage Is America

Decent Essays

My heritage is America. My America is a melting pot - a combination of people from every corner of the earth. The culture of acceptance that exists here in America allows me to not only be accepted but learn to approach others with a open heart and mind. The word heritage can encompass so many ideas regarding race, tradition, language, and almost any social umbrella that you can think of. The images that pass through my mind when I hear the words “culture” or “heritage” are images of instruments made from decaying tree trunks being played in backyard slings and leather-bound literature being read to little children and sweet aromas that fill linoleum kitchens in the summertime. Though I live in Maryland, I was born in Washington, D.C. , …show more content…

In the familial sense, my heritage means many things in America. My heritage is discrimination. My heritage is water hoses and dog bites. My America is chains and wooden boats. My heritage is the Civil Rights Movement. My heritage is the nineteenth amendment and Women’s Suffrage. My heritage is separation. But, these battles that my ancestors had to endure do not make me see the world with a hardened heart, as some might assume. When I think about all the things that my ancestors and others like them have done to progress us into a future of acceptance, I am for one proud, and also moved to do the same. I know that I am a minority and people like me have been oppressed from centuries, but I am not one to dwell on being the Underdog. There is not a single person in the world who can’t find someone who has it worse than themselves. So, I feel that it is not my job to focus so much on the troubles on our past, but to rather use the past to inspire the future. The cultural heritage of African-Americans, which has within the last sixty or so years centralized around fighting injustices and developing individuality, has taught me to see the world as a blank canvas, that has been shaken but not shattered, and shown me that this canvas can be painted by …show more content…

According to, the definition of heritage is “something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth”. Every person is born with an inherent sense of self - the kind that is interwoven with your soul and cannot be detached from your inner self. We belong to ourselves. So then, every word we speak and every breath we take is heritage. When I try to understand my heritage and my culture, beyond my race and where I grew up and the color of my skin, I think about how I relate my small existence relates to the enormity of the universe and all of the culture and tradition that it holds. My America is free, but in observing that, I know that I must take it upon myself to learn about and educate others about places and people that do not have the freedoms that we are afforded in our country. My culture, whether it be of blacks, of females, or with wider lens, of Americans, I see the world as a place where I have the ability to promote change by using my voice, and equally as important, speak for those who do not have the opportunity to use theirs. Human beings have this innate need to label every part of ourselves and our world, but I feel that when it comes down to it, my heritage is not solely my race or my color or my country or the type of music I listen to. It is not only the blood of my parents and my grandparents and all the generations that came before me. My heritage is also the reach of

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