
My Hero Is A Hero

Decent Essays

I normally never have trouble writing essays, but when my teacher told us we would have to write about our Michigan hero, my mind went blank. Once I thought about it, I had many names racing through my head but I kept coming back to one. However I brushed it off and went through the names one more time. As my description of a hero became clearer, I found myself back to the person I first had thought of:my mom.
Robin Renee Yancer was born December, 4th, 1983. Maybe she's not as patient, brave or selfless as most. So you may ask, How is she a hero? When I think of a hero none of those words come to mind. My mom has stuck by me through everything, when my dad first left my world became cold, I felt unwanted. Only four at the time I didn't see how a parent could just do this to a child or how in the long run it could be a good thing someone with that much meaning could just vanish and eventually you wouldn't care. Every time I time I cried over people's stupidity she never judged me but instead took me into her arms and there I stayed protected from the world. We moved around a lot when I was little and Coleman,Mi is the place where I have stayed the longest. There has come times when my mom is going through some rough things but she doesn't abandon me, she is still there taking care of me. She could be crying herself to sleep, not caring about the world and still speak these words to me, ‘’I want us to both be able to be happy, it's not about me being happy anymore.’’ In my

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