
My Last Duchess and Porphyria’s Lover

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The mind of a psychotic can be an interesting maze to travel. The reason's that they do what they do will probably remain a mystery for a long time, despite technological advancements. The reasoning for some psychotics “slips” and harms to others can possibly be explained by Owen J. Flanagan, as he states, “The fact that slips sometimes take even the person himself by surprise is explained by the fact that unconscious wishes are usually unknown to the person himself.” (Flanagan). This can help explain how the men act within the stories My Last Duchess and Porphyria’s Lover. Furthermore, this is a comparative analysis of the lover’s within Porphyria’s Lover and My Last Duchess, both by Robert Browning. In both stories, the lover's perceive the women as objects, instead of actual people. In My Last Mistress, he believes that he has given her a gift by marrying her, and thus thinks that he owns her. He feels that she is taking this gift granted and gets angry when she does not "worship" him. This is further pointed out by Susan Brownmiller, “...that ‘masculine esteem’ which gets its kick and sense of power from viewing females as anonymous, panting playthings, adult toys, dehumanized objects to be used, abused, broken and discarded.” (Brownmiller). This mode of thinking is more akin to the man in My Last Duchess. On the same token, in Porphyria's Lover, the lover still sees her as an object because he wants to make her his forever. He does not want her to go out by herself to

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