
My Leadership Style Analysis

Decent Essays

The three concepts that I found the most valuable during my academic lessons at Non-Commissioned Officer Academy Intermediate Leadership Experience would be the three elements of flexibility, the five traits of followership, and leadership influencing styles. These concepts are very important to me because they will make a positive change in myself and my leadership style. My goal to change my flexibility and, my overall adaptability, would be to change my default setting of dispositional flexibility to a more positive outlook. I currently may have a stand-offish/negative outlook when it comes to change. To be a more effective leader I must will myself to maintain a positive disposition to a changing environment. The next goal would be …show more content…

This attitude not only affects me but also everyone around me. I need to start this goal by increasing my positive outlook to every situation by be more vocal about what is great about the new change and/or situation. I will continue to meet change with the same cognitive and emotional flexibility that I currently possess. I know that I always have the ability to control my emotions and to have multiple plans in place which make me a good adaptable leader. By continuously adjusting my outlook it will eventually become second nature and I will be a more complete adaptable leader. Some potential barriers that I could encounter would be my personal attitude and the attitudes of the people around me. Another barrier would be that people would not see me as genuine and they would think that my attitude is forced. To overcome these barriers I must understand that people will have their options and their personal biases. I must surround myself with people that naturally display a positive disposition and share in their enthusiasm about the oncoming changes. I could also work on myself on the physical, spiritual, and emotional level. By grounding myself with my spiritual belief and working on improving my physical and emotional wellness this will help me maintain a positive disposition. The strengths that I currently possess that will help me with my goal would be the support system of my friends and family and faith. By drawing on these strengths I know that I can overcome anything and make this change. This will take a very long time for a complete change but I should expect about a 2 week turnaround in habit pattern and at least 3 months before this attitude change will become more effortless and will not be perceived as a forced response. I would like total change to be re-evaluated at the year

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