
My Love Of Reading

Decent Essays

I believe there was a time where everyone loved to read, but over time the passion died down. Growing up I loved to read, I can still recall my first book “the Big Red Barn”. The overwhelming joy from reading about cute animals, and the rhyming got me so excited to read. Once I began to understand what I was actually reading, I just could not stop reading. Books to me was like watching a TV show that incorporates your ideals and your imagination. You can start or pause whenever you deem necessary and the best part yet, it that you can actually understand what the character is actually feeling. Then I finally went to school, and things were a little bit different.
Elementary was a hard time for me because I was an Asian with big eyes. I did not have many friends, so I spent my time during recess indoors reading “Harry Potter”, “Judy B. Jones”, and “Goosebumps”. Everyone loved reading, mainly because we can read any book we want to. Reading time was where I can indulge myself into my own imagination. I think I read almost half of the small book collection my teacher had in her room because I really enjoyed reading. I always pictured myself being Judy in “Judy B. Jones”. Looking back now, I can still see what made me love to read. Reading was my escape from reality of loneliness. Reading was all fun and games until I graduated from elementary and moved up onto middle school.
Starting in middle-school, schools believed that every student has the same interest as one person.

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