
My Love Story

Decent Essays

I loved Bob with all my heart, or as much as you could love someone in 1252 in England as a female. I have told you about Bob before, haven’t I? He knew everything about me-from my favorite color to my deepest secrets. We did everything together, too; we went to the pond together, we went to the market together, we even ate together. We always exchanged “I love you” whenever we saw each other, and everyone thought we would eventually get married. He cared about me, and I cared about him. We were the perfect love story. Of course, all perfect stories must come to an end. It was a warm autumn day. The sun was shining, the leaves on the trees were brilliant reds, oranges, and golds, and everyone was out taking care of business on our measly dirt road. Bob and I had spent the day cleaning his home and taking care of his younger sisters, so we were both burning up. As we left his house, I had a brilliant idea. “Bob darling, let us go to the pond. We can cool off there!” The pond was a beautiful, tranquil place. The only sounds that could be heard were the breeze rustling the weeping willows beside the pond and the birds chirping in the willows. The pale, calm blue of the pond had helped me fall asleep a number of times. It was a wonderful place to cool off and swim, too. Bob however, instead of getting excited-as he had on multiple occasions at any mention of the pond-jumped away from me, guilt written on his face. “I can’t, I…I…” “Bob? Are you alright?” I asked, concerned. “Of course. I just can’t come to the pond today,” he responded, his composure regained. “I…uh…I have other plans. I’m sorry.” “Oh. Alright then. It’s okay.” He smiled at me, and I smiled back, although it was a little forced. Then, he turned around and disappeared into the bustle of the market. As I watched him walk away, my smile faded. What was wrong with him? Or is it me? He always hung out with me, even if he had previous arrangements. This continued for days; I would want to do something together, but Bob would have other engagements. Soon, we were doing nothing. I quickly grew suspicious. What could he possibly be doing? Eventually, I decided to follow him to his ‘other engagements’. It was a

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