
My Mother And Mother

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My mother was my primary caregiver throughout all of my childhood. While my father was in the picture for a majority of my childhood, he was also a severe alcoholic which greatly impacted my upbringing. My rules, obligations, and expectations were not always set in stone and did often depend on the time, situation, and/or mood of my parents. I think it is normal for parents to differ slightly in their parenting styles occasionally. As a young kid I remember my sister and I being very aware that the mood my mother was in greatly contributed to the outcome of a question or event. I think most, if not all of us can relate to this. Overall however, I would say that my mother had an authoritative parenting style. My mother made is very clear that she was the parent and in charge, however she was welcoming and understanding enough that I felt comfortable coming to her with questions or problems. My mom was also very encouraging and supportive. She always pushed me to do my best but never made me feel bad if I did not reach my goals. I was lucky to have such a great relationship with my mom, not everyone does. As a young teenager I had many friends who would come to me with questions and concerns because they knew my mom was so open-minded and understanding. My mom was always my parent first and my friend second. I knew what was expected of me and I was disciplined for bad behavior, however I always knew I could go to her with anything I needed.
My father, like many addicts was

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