
My New Political Ideology Essay

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A population’s views on political issues may change as different circumstances occur each day. The environment around us has a powerful influence on the decisions that we produce and the views that we as American citizens choose to hold. After a semester in political science class my views and my political ideology have altered. Today I will explain how political science class has influenced my political ideology.

When this class initially began I was sure, without a doubt I was a conservative. As the semester progressed I discovered the reasons I was considered conservative. The town a person grows up in, financial status, social class, age, gender and the race of the individual have a strong influence on a individuals …show more content…

Cal-trans provides a wonderful freeway system for southern Californians to get as far as Los Angeles and back in time for dinner. Without such wonderful freeway systems and highway systems, the economy of California would most likely not be as good as it is right now. Unfortunately I still feel the American people are not ready to vote for the taxes we all pay. The government is doing a descent job with our taxes; however with changes in the social programs the American peoples taxes can be considerably lowered.

As a conservative, I still feel that the social class of the individual greatly affects the political ideology that they have chosen. I have analyzed, that the education of the individual has a great deal of affect on the political party of their choice. Most liberals are only against conservatives due to medias bad review of conservatives. The media can affect our lives tremendously if we believe what they have to say. Education is the key to determining the political party or political ideology of our choice; therefore education is one of the leading issues many Americans feel strongly about today. As I stated in my last paper, schooling is very important to the success of our country. Although there are people that will argue that school should not be mandatory if the family must send there children to work to provide

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