
My Own Engagement Of Professional Relationships And Establish Key Skills That Underpin Lifelong Learning

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The purpose of this assignment is that I will be reflecting on my own engagement in professional relationships and establish key skills that underpin lifelong learning. I will also be looking into how to perform evidence-based practice and reflect on my capabilities and weaknesses identified in my SWOT analysis (see appendix 1) and personal development plan (see appendix 2).
As a student nurse, I ascertain that the main principle in nursing is the care of my patients, to treat them as individuals and respect their dignity. I feel that it is fundamental to provide a high standard of practice and care at all times. To be open, honest and to work with integrity. The four main principles of the code that I will be working to are outlined by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (Guidance on professional conduct for students of Nursing and Midwifery, 2012).
Nursing is the use of clinical judgement in the provision of care to enable people to improve, maintain, or recover health, to cope with health problems, and to achieve the best possible quality of life, whatever their disease or disability, until death. (Royal College of Nursing, 2003, p. 3). The definition expresses the common core of nursing which remains constant, though different models and codes. (NMC) (Guidance on professional conduct for students of Nursing and Midwifery, 2012). One of the codes is to prioritize people. I feel this concerns the patient in relation to their health. How they can receive the best care

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