
My Teaching Philosophy Of Teaching For Physical Education

Decent Essays

EPE 100 has not only taught me so much about becoming a teacher but a ton about myself. Prior to EPE 100, I felt as though I had a solid understanding of what it meant to be a physical education teacher. Do a quick warm up, Rally the students, put them into teams, explain the rules and let them go at it. Man oh man was I wrong. Throughout readings, assignments, and practice I now believe to have a much better understanding of what it means to be a physical education teacher. There has been three major ideas that have begun to influence my teaching philosophy; Teaching for physical literacy and skill development not just sports, embracing physical activity as a lifelong journey and challenging all students inside and outside of the classroom. These three concepts are very important to me as I begin my teaching career and are the three highlights in which I took out of EPE 100. It took me a very poor micro teaching experience to finally understand that physical education is truly about more than just sports. “You learn more from failure, than you do from success” this is a quote that I hear very often from various coaches and teachers. I think this perfectly sums up my micro teaching experience, while it was not a completely failure it served as a very important lesson to me. It was not until I was placed into a teaching situation that I fully realised not everyone is going to excell, and that one cannot expect the whole class to be able to pick up a sport in one lesson. Nick

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