
My Thinking On The Health Care Industry Essay

Decent Essays

When it comes to the health care industry, there are many changes that are coming that will create stress for those practicing in the health care field. I will focus three of these. The first is the shift to value based purchasing in health care facilities and the affects. The second is financial capability for CEOs running medical facilities. And lastly, I will cover technological advancements and how this will affect healthcare. After this, I will give my thoughts on how this affects my thinking on the value of health care services. One of the biggest trends affecting healthcare today is the shift in value based purchasing (Mosquera, 2014). What exactly is value based purchasing? Value based purchasing is where medical facilities are compensated based on the quality of care given and not the quantity of the services (“Hospital Value-Based Purchasing”, para. 3). This is outlined in the Affordable Health Care Act “Congress authorized Inpatient Hospital VBP in Section 3001(a) of the Affordable Care Act. The program uses the hospital quality data reporting infrastructure developed for the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program, which was authorized by Section 501(b) of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003” (“Hospital Value-Based Purchasing”, para. 3). One of the issues with this is that providers are going to come into a situation where the cost of constructing and sustaining the value based facility is not going to be

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