
My Vacation Essay

Decent Essays

My mom, my brother, and I decided we wanted to go on vacation. It was our first family vacation and we decided we wanted to go to Florida, where we used to live. My mom has a friend named Gigi who lives in Tampa, Florida and she said we could stay at her house for that week.
My mom got home from work about 11:00 p.m. and told me and my brother that we could leave in the morning so we went to bed. It was about midnight when we realized none of us could sleep and we were all packed so we packed everything in the car.We left the house about 12:30 a.m. My brother was the first one to drive but he only drove for about thirty to forty minutes and he was tired. I was the only one wide awake so I drove for a while and when the sun started coming up my mom woke up. My mom offered to drive, but I drove a little bit longer until the sun was completely up. My mom and I switched and I slept while she drove and then my brother woke up and drove for a little bit, we kept switching the whole way down. Finally we made it to Tampa, Florida and my mom drove the rest of the way.
My moms friend, Fred, was bringing his kids down to Florida too. A couple days before Fred got down there we spent some time with Gigi and her son, Kearon. We went to Clearwater and Treasure Island and we stayed at a hotel and we walked across the street to the beach. We went to the gift shop stores that were down by the beach, some were big and some were small. I bought a shot glasses that I thought was really cool

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