
My Wellness Portal Is Funded By Ahrq Health

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My wellness portal is funded by AHRQ Health IT Portfolio through its Enabling Patient-Centered Care through Health IT initiative. It is a comprehensive patient-centered, prevention-oriented, Web-based personal health record (PHR). Personal health record is a personal health management solution that supports the delivery of preventive health services by primary care providers and involves patients in the process. According to Dr. James Mold (2013), My Wellness Portal personal Record System was developed as part of strategic plan to build and test a novel comprehensive care delivery system through primary care physicians. The team originally set about to develop an immunization registry that help clinicians know what immunizations were due …show more content…

However despite all the benefits of the implementation of My Wellness Portal, there are still some barriers that prevent people from adopting it. Some of barriers are the lack of consumer awareness and privacy and security concerns. The lack of consumer awareness prevents consumer from using the portal. According to the study, almost two-thirds of people surveyed do not know or are unsure about the concept of personal health records. This barrier could be prevented if health care providers will educate about the importance of implementing PHR in managing their health. The last barrier is privacy and security. This barrier is very common in any health care information system. Health care providers should educate consumers about the security and privacy policy of the portal and inform consumers who has accessed to their information. On the other hand, some health care professionals are reluctant to adopt PHR due to concerns that additional work associated with the use of PHRs might not be reimbursed. Another factor is the interoperability between PHRs and existing EMRs or EHRs. The low adoption rate of PHRs among physicians could be due to the fact that the current PHR systems could not effectively support their needs and therefore could not be seamlessly integrated into their work

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