
NT1330 Unit 3 Scenarios

Decent Essays

We consider the situation where an attacker is already in possession of the smartphone. This scenario is common because the user might forget her smartphone somewhere, i.e., in her office, canteen, etc., or an attacker manages to steal the smartphone (e.g., through pickpocketing, etc). More specifically, we target three scenarios: (i) an attacker accidentally finds the smartphone, (ii) the attacker is victim's friend or colleague (who knows about the implemented mechanism), and (iii) an attacker who tries to mimic the user behaviors (e.g., using recorded video, etc) to unlock the victim's smartphone. \subsection{Our Approach}\label{subsec:approach} \textsc{DialerAuth} requires its users to enter or tap any combination of 10-digits long number to replicate their dialing process and the way the user holds the device in her hand while tapping. We expect that most of the users are familiar with the dialing process. The first authentication factor in \textsc{dialerauth} is how the user enters her \emph{``text-independent''} number. The second authenticating factor is the hold behavior (profiled using the extracted features from the accelerometer and gyroscope sensors). Hence, imitating …show more content…

\textsc{Dialerauth} captures the key-hold and inter-stroke timings from the 10-digit long number. Similarly it extracts statistical features from the phone's micro-movements to profile the genuine user (as shown in the Figure \ref{fig:dialerauth_model}). The extracted feature vectors are concatenated together to form a final fused vector to model a bimodal system. Since, the target device is the smartphone, we apply feature selection scheme to (i) improve the system's accuracy, and to (ii) improve the performance (as processing of smaller feature vector may incur less computational cost and processing making decision time comparatively

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