
Nana Odom Research Paper

Decent Essays

Cheyenne Odom One early morning I was getting ready for school because me and my nana had to take my papa to the big truck. I got in the truck so we could take my papa to the big truck and I fell asleep on the door and had no seatbelt on. So then my nana had to get the pepis out of the side of the truck I was on and she opened the door and I fell out and hit my head on the concerte. I was crying bad and that meant I was going to be late for school. Then went to aunt’s house so she could check out my head and she told us to go to the hospital douglas so they could check my head and they glued it back told so it would hold and they wrapped it so I could go to school. I did not want to go to school but my mom and nana made go. I went to school

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