
Narcissism Research Papers

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Narcissism is the complete lack of empathy for others as well as over glorified self-esteem. This belief leads to a decrease in the amount of relationships because narcissists hold themselves on such a high pedestal. The history of this cautionary trait has come from the self-esteem movement which started to help the depression of people about their bodies, lives, and jobs. Creating this movement started out well; however, the extremists took it to a whole new level. So what once was a positive now became a negative because people only care for themselves. The characteristic of narcissism is found in Millennials more today than ever before. Through relationships, jobs, and views on entitlements, narcissism can be seen as leading Millennial …show more content…

“…we are now a society in which more than 4 in 10 children are born out of wedlock, and in which a teenager has less chance of being raised by both biological parents…” (Taylor 54). Narcissists are incapable of long term relationships, and the fact that families are now also having holes, shows that the narcissism level is increasing. A lot of times, children are being raised by their grandparents or one biological parent and a step-parent. This is due to the narcissist’s need of a trophy significant other who helps them to feel good. When a significant other starts to slack off with the praise or doesn’t fit what the other person wants, they leave. “Much of narcissists’ behavior in relationships is ‘game playing’,” (Twenge 215). This behavior is the use of a person to satisfy another’s wants or needs until they don’t work for the person anymore.
Millennial America is changing from narcissism and allowing this characteristic to run the decisions people make. In The Next America, the author states the decision making world perfectly, “ How Americans respond – in their public choices as well as their private behaviors – will go a long way toward determining whether the generations spend the coming decades at war or in harmony” (Taylor 55). The quote should spark some interest into what your decisions will affect and how the world will be different depending on what you choose. So choose

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