
My Social Identity Essay

Decent Essays

It is quite uncomfortable and difficult for me to have a discussion about my social identity because I do not identify myself with a specific group of people. I consider myself an open member of our global society. Even though I was born into a Polish household and raised amongst first generation Americans, I do not necessarily identify as a Pole, American, or Polish-American. Technically, I am a Polish American since I was born in America and raised by Polish parents, but that does not necessarily mean that I identify as a "Polish American." If I were to identify myself as one, I would feel as though my identity would be limited to Polish and American cultural and social values. I am not a book that can be neatly and properly stored on …show more content…

It was early in my first semester on a Friday, when I first chose to spend a weekend partying with friends outside of Binghamton University's swim team. After a grueling practice, there was a discussion in the locker room about party plans for that night and for the night after. As a shy and modest freshman, I kept my thoughts to myself. Meanwhile, the upper classmen were brainstorming ideas for a party theme. As the team was changing, the brainstorming continued and I unexpectedly got a text message from a Calculus classmate who I met earlier that week. He was inviting me to a social festivity with him and other new classmates of mine that night. At the very moment I finished reading that text, one of the captains shouted, "Hey Artie! You're coming with us, right?" There was an everlasting pause from the moment he said "right?" with inquiry in his voice, making it clear that he was expecting an answer. The demanding question caught me off guard, and I stood there gaping while I was still holding my phone which was still opened to the text message that I just received. There was an awkward pause before I came up with an answer. It took three "Mississippi seconds" of weird silence for everyone in the locker room to look up and stare at me while waiting for a response. For those three long seconds I was unsure of what to say and how to express my true interests. I felt

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