
Narrative Essay On Concussions

Satisfactory Essays

Being on my school’s diving team has had its ups and downs but one the biggest setbacks I went through while on the team was my freshman year when I got a concussion. I was doing a simple reverse dive I under rotated enough that when I hit the water, it pushed my head into my knee. I am unsure whether or not I blacked out but all I remembered was climbing out of the pool dizzy and confused. I went to a doctor and found out I had a concussion. Having a concussion was a big setback in itself, but what made it the worst was that the conference meet was coming up in about a week. I had to rest for the remainder of the week and was cleared to practice again the next Monday. Because of the whole situation I felt like quitting all together. I only had three days of practice before the conference meet and had nothing prepared. I did not think it would be possible for me to practice all eleven of my dives that I needed to do at the meet in time. Then I remembered my goal for the season: to earn my varsity letter. I had not achieved my goal yet and the conference meet was my last chance to do so. I was not about to …show more content…

I learned that even with the biggest setbacks or just stressful or hard times there is always the possibility of something good coming out of it. If I had not had the concussion I may not have gotten my varsity letter at that meet. Only having three days to practice forced me to have the discipline to put in the work I needed to do. If I had a full week of practice I probably would have just assumed I was ready without working as hard. I learned that I can be a very disciplined person and because of that now I do not always need motivation to be disciplined. As long as I really want a goal, I know I can do what it takes. I learned that setbacks do not prevent you from achieving a goal. You can work past them. Now in similar situations I try not to even think about giving up when things get hard but to just work

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