
National Action Party Research Paper

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The National Action Party (PAN) has been connected as a conservatism in Mexican politics since the beginning, even though the party does not consider itself a conservative party. This party unites and stands for Catholics and capitalists in Mexico, free-market, conservative on social issues, and supportive to foreign interests. “Mexicans long have expressed a much more favorable opinion of civil society in general than of specific governmental institutions, indicating a much higher level of trust in societal responses to problems”. (Camp 1993.Pg. 66) The trust in the people is an important measure of the potential for democratic political institutions. It currently occupies Mexico’s political spectrum such as advocating free enterprise, Pragmatism, small government, privatization and libertarianism reforms. It supports same-sex unions but does not accept same-sex marriages and abortions. …show more content…

“Religion is often still another determinant of political behavior, and in many societies, plays a role in the formation of social and political values, especially when religions diversity is present”. (Camp.1993.Pg. 86) Even though the pre-dominance of Catholicism has strong religious differences, it can be described as a battle between secularism and religion. The confidence people have in a political system and ability to influence the outcome of political decisions is income level. People believe they can change aspects of economic success to make it more beneficial. In 2000, after the election of President Fox, people were asked if their vote would make a difference in improving conditions for the future and two-thirds believed it was

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