
Native American Cultural Artifacts

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Human beings, desire to maintain a connection with the past is achieved through the languages spoken, the various cultures practiced, and sadly through acquiring of cultural property by the means of grave robbing. Native Americans wanted justice for these past mistreatments and control over their history. According to Chip Colwell, campaigning, repatriation of indigenous artifacts began in the 1960s by indigenous activism. Finally, on November 16, 1990, The United States Government passed The Native American Graves Protection and Reparation Act. NAGPRA summarizes that museums must conduct an inventory of all native American cultural artifacts and remains. (Native) In addition, Museums send the inventories to federally recognized tribes, in …show more content…

However, 27 years later with one revision and the process of repatriation established, there are still a lot of gray areas that need to be fixed (David). A few of the current major issues with NAGPRA are- its tendency to hold politics over the cultural groups it supposedly protects, institutions such as big corporations and museums can bypass NAPRA’s compliance requirement, the federal government decides what constitutes as a Native American tribe, international repatriation of cultural artifacts is a rare occurrence. Therefore, the solution to the ongoing problems is simple, a revision of NAGPRA. Institutions, such as museums and colleges, and industrial companies still do not comply with NAGPRA. One of the most-recent concert example is the Dakota Access Pipeline company. Jan Hasselman, an attorney representing the Standing Rock Sioux, filed evidence indicating the discoveries of some sacred and major culturally significant sites were directly in the pipeline’s route; the following day, instead of the construction halting, the Dakota Access Pipeline continued and destroyed multiple grave sites (Goodman). The problems Native Americans face, regarding non-compliance, is a crucial topic. Not complying with …show more content…

The federal government’s intentions are pure with the passing of NAGPRA. However, NAGPRA has a considerable number of debatable implications regarding Native Americans. To fall under NAGPRA’s jurisdiction, a tribe is required to have federal recognition. Federal recognition requires a cultural group, such as Native Americans, to abide by federal standards. Non-compliance is an issue prevalent today regarding institutions and companies; the lack of compliance is rooted in the absence of strong restrictions and penalties for institutions and companies. International politics inhibit the act of global reparation. International representatives and museum officials leading repatriation processes, results in a more efficient way of returning artifacts to the rightful owner without political restrictions. All in all, the Native American Graves Protection Act made significant important changes over the years, however, with ever advancing United States and American Indian Tribes the outdated act is in need of

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