
Native Americans And The United States

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The United States as we know it, since its beginning has been based on immigration. Native Americans traveled during the Ice Age through the Bering Strait and English settlers sailed the Atlantic. Due to unknown reasons, most of the Native societies except for the Aztecs collapse before the arrival of the Europeans, which gives shine to the English settlements since their attainment set the roots of our society today. More importantly, it should be recognized the diverse cultures of English settlers since it has set the precedent for the tolerance and freedom of expression that is experienced in the United States today. English migrated to the United States due to the lack of freedom of religion in the Mother Land. This made the New World a setting with a mixture of different religions that were persecuted in England. Each of the persecuted religious groups brought different cultures and as a result settled in different regions of the American continent Atlantic coast. These settlers were distributed through New England, the Carolinas, the Mid-Atlantic, and Chesapeake. Their differences in customs and terrain settled made for the success (or failure) of each colony.
The first English settlements are what defined the new colonies of America. Before the English settled in the land, America was pursued over by the Spaniards. Of the several colonies that were established the first was the Jamestown colony by Puritans. After much struggle they were able to conquer a large piece

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