
Natural Disasters : A Short Story

Decent Essays

Natural disasters have never been an issue for me in the twenty years I have been living in Florida. There have always been the threats of dangerous hurricanes living near the coast, but I never took them seriously. I always thought " they're just little storms, what's the worst that could happen?". I was so naive to think that way.
The warnings for Hurricane Jack did not start to get serious until September 5. At that time, the local news was suggesting gathering supplies and hunker down. Every grocery store and gas station was crowded beyond belief. I ran into my neighbor in the bare water aisle.
"Can you believe how empty this aisle is?" she frantically asked " Do you think they will get more in time for the storm?"
"Sheila relax," I coaxed "the storm is not going to be as bad as they say, it never is."
"You never know, it's better to be safe rather than sorry."
"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."
When I got home later that night, the news was now claiming my neighborhood as an evacuation zone. I didn't believe it. "It'll be fine," I thought "nothing bad will happen here." Apparently, I was the only one that believed that because every person in my development was gone. The storm was scheduled to arrive that next morning and I would be facing it alone. I came to the realization that I was the only person in my county with a functioning brain. Everyone was wasting their time and energy preparing for nothing.
The next morning was eerily silent. No cars, no

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