
Nature And Human Nature : The Consequences Of Nurture

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Human Nature is something you are born to have, but these natures are not always meant to adhere you for the rest of your life. As one grows up, distinctive ways of nurturing determines what kind of a person one would be in the future. Socrates believed that nurture tends to impact an individual’s behavior more than nature, and I agree with him. As an individual grows up family, peers, and living environments remodels who they are. Family factors are something that affects the development of a child the most. A baby is born with all the human nature it gets, but human nature doesn't really affect how a person turns out in the future. All babies were born to be pure, innocent, and naive, and if so, criminals weren’t always the bad guys. The reason why one changes so differently would usually relate to the environment one grew up in. Inefficient parenting is proved to play a negative role in a child’s life, criminality and delinquency are some common consequences.Imitation learning is proved to be an essential in humans, and since parents are the closest bond with a child, they are usually the people who kids imitate. In many situations in a family, anger overcomes communication and that violence emerges, an estimated amount of 3.6 million-4million children are domestically abused each year. The kids would then figure violence as an efficient problem solver instead of negotiating, and this would strongly affect who they become in the society. Family factors is one way that affects an individual’s development, another is peer pressure.

You're peers are the people who spends the most time with you on a daily basis, no matter at school or during work, thus their acts influence your behavior. Many teenagers have considered peer pressure the“ price of being a loyal membership” but a lot of times peer pressure is linked to a variety of problems such as risk taking. The risks I'm talking about is mostly related to drugs and illicit actions. Lot of times teenagers understand the risk of drug taking but still consists of doing so because peer pressure helps them overcome this mind set. According to Daily mail UK, a survey was done and the result of one third of high school students admit peer pressure having a strong

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