
Nazi Aryan Race Theory Essay

Decent Essays

In the Holocaust not only were the Jews killed so were a group of people called the Gypsies. 1 million to 4 million Gypsies were killed in the worst ways with no remorse. But why would this happen to the Gypsies if they didn’t do anything? They didn’t consider the Gypsies Germans. The reason all this started was because of a theory that the Germans made. Nazi Aryan Racial Theory is known as a racial designation; Houston Stewart Chamberian was the first to use the term “Aryan” to mean the “white race” it was the Aryans who invaded the conquered ancient India from the north. The Aryan Race Theory was a way that Germans were segregated in many different ways. This started in the 1700s when scholars discovered Sanskrit was closely related to the European …show more content…

Gypsies were also different because they didn’t let their kids go to public schools. Or they didn’t go to local churches. Romany was also a group of people that were in tribes, not all the tribes were the same they each had their own different costoms, beliefs, leaders, and dialects. The Germans started this theory because they changed the word “Aryan” into a noun. Gypsies were the most effected because even before the Nazis took over the government, they wanted to find a good reason why they should eliminate the Gypsies wether they had the power or not. The Nazis found that calling the Gypsies “asocial elements” and also making them irrelevant to normal society, could help in eliminating them. Germans were also told that they would endangered the purity of Aryan blood and the public health. But it all got worse when in 1920 they had changed the label of the Gypsies to worthless life. Later on in 1928 when Weimar constitution was still ruling Germany, everyone had equal rights. But the Germans had passed a law that all Gypsies were under permanent critical police observation. “Rehabilitation camps” were the first places where Gypsies older than 16 would be placed, so they would be out of

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