
Negative Effects Of Bilingualism

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Response #1: Bilingualism can be viewed both positively and negatively. When bilingualism is additive a second language is added to a first without being a threat. On the other hand, when bilingualism is subtractive the L2 negatively impacts the L1 and the learner’s ethnic identity. Whether bilingualism is additive or subtractive depends on the environment in which the L2 is learned. Saville-Troike (2012) explains that the outcome of SLA depends on the sociopolitical climate and beliefs in the environment where the SLA takes place. Perceptions that members of one ethnic category are more, or less, privileged than another are determined in large part by which group is politically and economically dominant in a multiethnic society, which is also often the one that has majority status. (p. 134) However, I believe that with the right amount of support it is possible in today’s world for all bilingualism to be additive. In my opinion, the hardest environment for achieving additive bilingualism is one where immigrants or refugees are learning a L2 in the L2 setting. Often it is the case that the culture and language of the immigrants aren’t appreciated in the L2 setting. This is particularly dangerous for the learner’s L1 and culture if the immigrant learner moved to the L2 setting without a strong network of family and friends from the L1 setting. Without social support it is easy for the L1 and L1 culture to take a backseat to the L2 and L2 culture. According to Saville-Troike

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