
Negative Effects Of Social Media Essay

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I think social media does not have a positive impact on the world. Social media can open the world up to cyberbullies, “cat- fishers”, hackers, and employment opportunities. Social media has a negative effect on the world in various ways. Cyberbullying is referred to as the use of electronic communication to bully a person, typically by sending messages of an intimidating or threatening nature. Being “cat- fished” is known as luring someone into a relationship by means of a fictional online persona. With all of these horrible outcomes to social media, is it really worth it? Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etcetera allows you to find and connect with just about anyone, from a coworker in a neighboring workplace to the girl you met in high school thirty years ago. Browsing these sites can make you feel connected to a larger community, but such easy, casual connection in an electronic environment can also have its downside. Before social media, you had real relationships. Real family and friends involve presence in your life. Even talking on the phone creates more connective tissue than the impersonal undertones of social media. Before scrolling down a page endlessly you read books, made DIY projects, wondered what your old high school and college friends were up to and did other constructive stuff. Because the Internet allows large groups of people separated by long distances to communicate instantaneously with each other, it has become a place where

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