
Negative Essay : The Pros And Cons Of Marijuana

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With the proper use, Marijuana can have several benefits, as an alternative medicine to prescriptions. Marijuana is thought of as a harmful plant that can hurt people's lives and is imagined to be nothing more than another problem in today’s society. However, based on its enlargement value and medical benefits, cannabis has proven to exceed its negatives with several other positives.The history of marijuana goes all the way back to 2700 BC., usually used for pleasure, ceremonies, and medicine.
The first of the three ways you can get THC and CBD is by smoking it. For people with cancer and seizures smoking it would be more beneficial for them, when smoking marijuana it gets into your body faster so the results are quicker. Smoking marijuana for medical purposes like cancer and seizures, have a special type they should smoke a CBD strain it still has THC but the mixture of them together is what helps people. There is 4 ways marijuana kills cancer cells Antiproliferative- breast, prostate, etc. It slows the proliferation of these cancers. Anti-metastatic- prevents cancer from spreading,. Anti-angiogenic- halt the development of new blood vessels to tumors.lastly, Pro-apoptotc- causes cancer cells to kill themselves, examples; brain, breast,colon, leukemia, liver, etc. For the seizures it reduces them and is a protective factor for new-onset seizures.
Another way to get THC and/or CBD in your system is edibles. This gives you results between 30min - 2 hrs after ingesting it,

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