
Neil Postman Knowledge

Decent Essays

Knowledge has come about through many different forms throughout history and has constantly changed along with the times. To equate media to epistemology is to say how media relates to how we understand knowledge. In this chapter, Neil Postman discusses how modern media has created an epistemological shift and whether it has affected us for better or for worse. Postman argues that this shift has altered the structure of discourse no differently than how every new medium before it has always done. The way we perceive truth has consistently changed along with a new change in medium as truth can be different things to different people in different time periods. Postman discusses how law used to be conducted orally as there was no written law so rhetoric and proverbs had to be used in order for justice to be done (18). Now there is so much written law as every trial is recorded and there is endless precedents that can be looked up in …show more content…

That isn’t to say that the spoken word is useless, but, as Postman says, “The written word endures, the spoken word disappears; and that is why writing is closer to the truth than speaking” (21). The written word endures greater than the spoken word because it is well thought out, cannot be changed once it is written down, and it reveals the truth through means that can’t often be reached through verbal communication. Before the written word poems and rhetoric were of greater importance than they were after as knowing things off the top of one’s head meant that person was of greater intelligence. This is different to modern times where there is no reason to memorize things as everything important is already written down and can, for the most part, be found at a moment’s notice. I think that Postman is trying to convey that knowledge is greater benefitted by the written word rather than the spoken

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