
Net Neutrality Research Paper

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Net Neutrality has been a very hot topic lately, and a very confusing one as well. But, instead of wasting your time and giving you the Wiki definition that you could easily look up yourself, I’m going to explain a little easier and more understandable.
So, every month, you (or your parents) pay anywhere in the ballpark of $40-$100+ to companies like Verizon, Comcast, at&t, ect. ect. so that you can have full access to the internet.
Net Neutrality says, “Okay so you have already paid x amount of dollars. Have a nice day! Enjoy your internet!”
But without Net Neutrality, big internet companies can come in and say, “Okay, so you’ve paid x amount of dollars for your internet. But, oh, if you want to get on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or Facebook,

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