
New Deal: Jeffersonian and Hamiltonian Means

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The men who served as president during their terms before FDR either focused on Hamiltonian or Jeffersonian views when making decisions for the country. They either focused on the government having more control, or on the common man having the control. FDR, on the other hand, used a combination of the two. The New Deal was created solely to improve the conditions of the United States during the Great Depression. The successes and failures of FDR’s combination of “Hamiltonian means” to achieve “Jeffersonian ends” are reflected by the New Deal with the occurrence and extremism of the court-packing scheme, the outcome of the National Industrial Recovery Ac t, and the New Deal programs helping the common man while increasing the government’s involvement.
The New Deal specifically reflects FDR’s combination of “Hamiltonian means” to achieve “Jeffersonian ends” in the events of the court-packing scheme. FDR’s actual actions in this event are Hamiltonian because he is involving himself in the functions of Congress, which is big government, but his goal was Jeffersonian. His goal in this scheme was to add a member of Congress (Democrat) for every member over the age of seventy. His reasoning for this was to have more representatives of the Democratic Party to see things his way, which would hopefully “achieve Jeffersonian ends.” His extremist, Hamiltonian actions of packing the court were set up to benefit the forgotten man in the end by way of the New Deal programs being passed.

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