
New York City

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In modern day society, New York City is known for its hustle, bustle and immense steel towers that overshadow paved streets and crowded sidewalks. Moreover, when New York comes to mind green, eco-friendly living is not the first thing most people think about. However, it is in New York's best interest to change that viewpoint. Due to overpopulation and increase in public draw, New York has taken its turn towards becoming a metropolitan waste land, and it is imperative that there be changes made. For instance, eco-architecture is a big topic of discussion in modern day urban society, and it should be taken into consideration when discussing the development towards a greener city such as the Big Apple also known as New York City, New York. Consequently, eco-architectural changes will advance the overall aesthetic to one of the most famous tourist attractions in the globe, as well as improve its economic status and improve business. To begin with, today’s population is very interested in what is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. It is crucial for a region with such high customer traffic to be visually attractive to the visitors. Ross Donolow, owner of a eco architectural building company, Thin Flats, stated in an interview “You’re living in somethings that’s very green and sustainable, something that’s saving energy, and something that looks aesthetically just incredible.” (Dowolow, 2011) Feedback such as this is not cause alone to go gung ho and tear down the infamous Big

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