
Non Cumulative Scheduled Exam

Satisfactory Essays

Exams: There would be three non-cumulative scheduled exams this semester based on the chapters and extra reading that will be provided to you by professor. Exams will consider of four short essay answers (five points for definition and five points for an example each) and a thirty multiple choice questions (sometimes multiple choices could be confusing, that is why I think that is a good idea to use essay questions). Nevertheless, providing a short answer on a test, where a student defined a certain term as well as give an example, would let professor know of a student’s knowledge.
Quiz: We would be using an IClickers during the class. Everyone will be assigned the clicker and that is how the attendance would be taking. We will be having a short quiz at the beginning of the class. A quiz would be based on a privies chapter reading as well as the reading for that day. It would be an open book and consists of 10 questions. In order for you to take a quiz you have to be in class on time and there is no make-up quiz. The lowest quizzes would be drooped and you will get 10% worth of a final grade. Also there would be a class participations throw the whole class with Ickicker just to make sure that we are on the same page. (In this case it would detour student from leaving earlier)
A written assignment (4-6 pages long) will be submitted on blackboard. One point would be deducted for each day that the assignment is submitted late.
Attendance and arriving on time is very important …show more content…

No extra credit would be giving to substitute for poor performance or to increase grades.
Quiz would be 10%
Exam 1- 25%
Exam2 -25%
Final Exam 25%
Written assignment 10%
Attendance 5%
Total 100%
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