
Non-Profit Organization Analysis

Decent Essays

When I graduate from Texas Southern University with my Master’s degree, I plan on starting a non-profit organization. When it comes down to creating my organization, I will use statistic for a lot of information. I will use statistic when discovering the average income of the area I am choosing to locate for my organization. As well as the average crime rate, the dropout rate of urban youths, unemployment rates, average age of gang members in the area, and the success rate of other organization in the area I choose as well. Each set of number would be very important to the success of my organization and I will need to make sure the numbers are properly found. Also the numbers are true to the census. Since the organization that I want to start …show more content…

The unemployment rate of the parents will affect the success of the youth in the household. Therefor I would need the accurate number of how many families in the community is effected by unemployment and how unemployment have a total effect on the community. These numbers I could only be discover by using statistic. I would need the data of how many families are unemployed. Also if the family that has a parent that is unemployed, how many of the youth in the family has to go get a job to help support the family needs. As well if the jobs that the youths are getting, are they affecting the performance and behavior of the child? In order to get the proper data I would have to facture all of these things into my research. These facts I would be able to use statistic to get a better understanding of the cause and the effect of …show more content…

I would use statistic to discover if the rate is high because of the unemployment, the gangs, or lack of things to do. Also I would use statistic to find the highest committed crime done by the youth in the area. I would use statistic to come up with a solution to for how I would lower the crime rate. I would use statistic to factor the cause of why so many youth in the area is committing the crimes that they are doing as well as how much do the parent factor as well. I want to be able to help the youth and I would need the help and support from the parents and the

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