
Nonprofit Financial Reporting

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Introduction The journey toward updating nonprofit financial reporting began in 2011 when the accounting board met to analyze ways to implement reforms that would make the function of accounting in nonprofit organizations more transparent. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) hoped to cover many areas concerning access to funds by nonprofit organizations in order to give insight to the actual funds groups have at their disposal at any time. Public accountability and transparency dictates that the access to funds is a very major aspect of financial reporting for institutions. For instance, a group of university alumni may decide to donate funds for scholarships, whereas others could give money for the construction of a facility …show more content…

The challenges involved in accounting for charitable activities revolves around many special factors that distinguish the two types of organizations. First, charitable activities are always given to a single set of beneficiaries using resources that are donated by unrelated parties. The stewardship element of financial reporting becomes quite vital because the donor wants to get the assurance that their gift was put to the intended purpose (Burks, 2015). Financial reporting is the conduit through which transparency is created for donors and the nonprofit organization is held publically accountable. It is only through financial reporting that they get the assurance that may encourage them to donate more funds when they find out that their money or resource is put to the right use and managed well (Reheul, Van Caneghem, & Verbruggen, …show more content…

Many types of charitable activities provide public benefit as well as private benefits. Both higher education and health care are examples of such establishments. While the person getting a college degree has a direct benefit in the form of higher future earnings, society also benefits because the economy is enhanced by a well-educated workforce (Reheul, Van Caneghem, & Verbruggen, 2014). Likewise, prompt healthcare for communicable diseases may lead to a healthier population and fewer days of lost employment. This makes accountability a higher duty than would be the case for a purely private-benefit business enterprise. In other words, the not-for-profit sector has a broader set of potential user groups of financial statements compared to the investors and creditors that tend to be the focus business enterprises, and financial reporting information obtained via financial statements might be used very differently. Financial statement information requirements fundamentally focus on economic decisions rather than the usefulness of information for evaluating broader societal costs and

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