
North Dakota Pipeline Debate

Decent Essays

Hi everyone today I'm talking about the North Dakota pipeline protest. Who am I? Actually I'm just a regular environmental protester. I'm here today invited by my friend Jacob to talk about what's happening in North Dakota and why it relates to the government. So what is exactly happening in North Dakota? Well I'll tell you Native Americans are protesting against the company Dakota access whose job is to build 1072 mile pipeline from North Dakota down towards the southeast. It's a simple transport job but is receiving a huge amount of backlash since April due to its environmental issues What are these environmental issues exactly well it has to do with the water in the area nearby the site where they want to build their oil pipeline is the Missouri River and lake Oahe. The rivers and lakes are there main supply of water to the Native American reservation near by The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. This drive has been protesting since April about the dangers of the corruption their water supply. If this water becomes corrupt the water will be contaminated …show more content…

Well two Saturdays ago the amount of protesters near the pipeline's construction grew into the thousands. The governor of North Dakota the state of emergency and barricaded the protest sites. This is only after a federal judge ruled that they would not hear the tribes requested to stop the construction. After that request of a state of emergency more and more protesters started arriving regardless of the barricades. Due to this, last Friday the federal government announced that there would be a pause in the construction of the pipeline and also considered, Nationwide reform on these kinds of infrastructure projects. Although this causes temporary and may resume and the construction may continue forward. But hopefully with my spread of information you can go out and protest yourself along with the Native American people. Just as long as you have enough money to go out

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