
Northup On Slavery

Decent Essays

Black slaves were in the situation that little help would be given to the group from the society. As Northup’s thought when he first beat his master, “An unfriended, helpless slave—what could I do, what could I say, to justify, in the remotest manner, the heinous act I had committed, of resenting a white man's contumely and abuse” (112). No one would help him even though what he did was fight back for his unequal treatment. It seemed that slaves was born to be treated like this; they should only obey their masters; they should take whatever the white gave; they should not complain about anything. There was not right or wrong, but only what the white said and what the black obeyed. Northup wrote helplessly:
How heavily the weight of slavery pressed upon me then. I must …show more content…

The system of slave occurred in South instead of North mostly because of the planation economy in the South. To support the slavery system, slavery holders used religions belief to explain their misdeed. For instance, Mr. Tanner read Bible to his slaves, and emphasized the sentence that “servant which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes” (128). He used Bible to back up the idea that slaves have to obey their masters, or they would face severe punishment. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the Bible or Christianity. However, because of the slavery system, religions have been used in wrong way that violate human’s right. When southerners believed the righteous of slavery, they would keep digging authoritative sources in order to protect it. With time went by, slavery penetrated in people’s mind and no one step forward to doubt it. In Northup’s point of view, the wrong idea of slavery were more like a culture influence in the South rather than the choice of individual southerners. Just as what he wrote in the

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