
Nosferatu And Dracula Comparison

Decent Essays

The film I choose to discuss is Nosferatu: a symphony of horror; The film itself is truly a horror classic and the first film adaptation of Dracula, even years later this film remains as the most intelligent adaptation of the novel in 1890. This movie is one of the best films in German cinema which is black and white and silent. Murnau's version of a vampire is truer than any other versions; he created a masterpiece that is very odd and bizarre along with starting a genre of films that have been represented over and over again in time. The main character, Orlock (played by Max Schreck) is of a rat-like man; not a playboy-vampire type, stands very tall and is hunched over, and wears a simple dark suit that looks like he has been wearing it …show more content…

Also saying that the film is an awe of its material and truly believe in vampires; the vampire should come across not like a flamboyant actor but like a man suffering from a dread curse. Schreck plays the count more like an animal than a human being. He clearly said that Nosferatu is a better tittle than Dracula which is how it was supposed to be titled originally. In the review is mention how one of the most popular scenes became one of the most frightening scenes of the film. A brave mate goes below with a hatchet to open a coffin, and rats tumble out. Then Count Orlok rises straight up, stiff and eerie, from one of the coffins, he states the shot was as frightening and famous in its time as the rotating head in “The Exorcist.” He admires the film more for its artistry and ideas, its atmosphere and images, than for its ability to manipulate emotions like a skillful modern horror film. It suggests these dark fears in the very style of its visuals. Much of the film is shot in shadow. The corners of the screen are used more than is ordinary; characters lurk or cower there, and it's a rule of composition that tension is created when the subject of a shot is removed from the center of the

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