
Nosferatu Essay

Decent Essays

Response 1 Nosferatu
My experience watching a feature length silent film was very interesting, to say the least. I found it amazing that they were able to tell a complete story on only visual elements. Nosferatu had many similarities to "A trip to the Moon" by George Melies. Comparatively it had more storytelling elements character development purely due to film length. I feel it would be very challenging to produce such a complex story under the constraints of such a short film. I believe my experience to be very typical of someone who has never watched a full-length silent film, I was gripped with curiosity on how this film would tell the great story of Dracula without the stereotypical screams and jump scares that horror movies today bring to the screen. I feel like the film did a fantastic job of telling the story with the limitations of being able to use sound. I will be very interested in watching another full-length silent film from that era to see the difference in writing and filming styles. I would also be interested in re-watching Nosferatu during the night time to see if that elevates the experience of watching a horror in the …show more content…

Nosferatu, however, focused heavily on the character's fear and and silent screams to set the tone of the film. I did not feel that same level of terror among the gentlemen on the moon when the aliens arrived.
“The girl and her trust” by D.W. Griffith felt like it achieved that sense of fear by using a choppy film style to capture the desperate feeling the characters were having in their situation. The same approach was used to develop the fear Hutter was having towards Nosferatu.
Overall, I found the experience a positive one and I greatly enjoyed being able to compare the difference in film style to the current style of modern cinema. I will definitely be watching another silent film in the

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