
Nosferatu: Light And Dark

Decent Essays

Nosferatu was one of the first horror films that can make an impact on audiences even today. It was made in 1922 in Germany by F.W.Murnau. A Vampire, Count Orlok, summons Thomas Hutter to his dark castle in the mountains. Orlok expresses interest in buying a house in Hutter’s town which brings grave danger to his wife and the rest of the townspeople.

Nosferatu has a heavy contrast of light and dark represented by night and day in the film. Darkness appears when harm is about to come to the main character, The darkness is associated with danger, evil and horrors while, daylight is associated with happiness and joy. These strong uses of light convey the emotions that the director wanted to convey to the audience at that particular moment.
When Hutter is happy with his wife, Nina, the daylight and environment is bright and cheerful. There is a slightly yellow tint to this section of the film which we associate with the sun. When Hutter makes his journey to Transylvania to make a deal with Count Orlok, the film’s lighting changes to a darker tone. All the scenery around the evil vampire and phantoms become harsh. …show more content…

Hutter crosses the bridge only to be greeted by a Phantom. The lighting becomes darker and the corners of the screen become darker.
“And when he had crossed the bridge, the phantoms came to meet him.”
Here we can start to clearly distinguish the two worlds in the film though lighting. When Count Orlok goes to Wisbourg he is observed as the darkness and shadows surround him in contrast to the brightly lit

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