
Notes On Management Of Technology Essay

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Common Principles and Practices Used to Successfully Manage the 21st Century
Technology-Intensive Organization
Sai Santhosh Viavur
Assignment #1
TMGT 510 01B Management of Technology in Organizations
Presented to:
Dr. Jerry D. Parish, Professor of Technology Management
October 18, 2016

Technology-intensive organizations are contributing to economic growth of any country. These companies are facing a lot of difficulties and competition. This article is mainly focused on how managers can control technology intensive work in order to sustain the competitive advantage. Organizations can achieve this by adding economic value to their products when compared to competitors. They should develop products that offer profitability in terms of value, price, and costs. This article also explains the challenges that technology intensive organizations are facing today. Paradigm shifts are also discussed in this article which are helpful for managers to win big and create competitive advantage. Value Driven Change Leadership is one of the effective techniques of modern project management approach. It consists of three themes such as value/outcome over budget/schedule, business solutions over architecture framework, and human change over repeated activities.

Common Principles and Practices Used to Successfully Manage the 21st Century
Technology-Intensive Organization
Now-a-days, technology-intensive

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