
Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

Satisfactory Essays

After completing this assignment, I feel as though the way I think and my outlook on certain things has changed in small, yet significant ways. For example, one of the most interesting myths, myth 28 (There’s Safety in Numbers), has changed the way I will react in situations of emergency. Having the awareness of the tendency to ignore someone in need when in a crowd will help me to overcome that tendency and actually help. I also found myths 15 (IQ Tests Are Biased against Certain Groups of People) and 20 (Researchers Have Demonstrated That Dreams Possess Symbolic Meaning) very interesting. I held some belief that dreams meant something more than just the random occurrences we see, so knowing they hold no insight into our minds and psyches makes me feel less distrait. As for myth 15, I simply found it amazing that so many people would rather blame the IQ tests for the inconsistencies in scores, rather than look deeper and take responsibility for the social disadvantages and prejudices against groups. …show more content…

I’d always been a firm believer in myth 6 (Playing Mozart’s Music to Infants Boosts Their Intelligence), so learning that it held no truth came as a shock to me, although it does make more sense now that I’ve read it. Myth 9 (Old Age is Typically Associated with Increased Dissatisfaction and Senility) came as another shock; however, it did give me a sense of relief, as my grandparents are reaching their elderly years, and I’d like to have them be completely here for as long as possible. Another one that surprised me was myth 13 (Individuals Commonly Repress the Memories of Traumatic Experiences), as I’d always believed this to be 100% true. Most, if not all, of the incorrect beliefs I had regarding psychology came from media portrayal, so learning they’re wrong makes me question what else I may be believing that has no sound

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