
Nt1310 Unit 3 Control Unit Analysis

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Task 1
The Control Unit
There are two types of control unit which are hardwired and micro program where hardwired are for fixed architecture and are typically RISC and cost more than micro program because of the time required to design the circuits , but they are faster. Micro program control units are slower than hardwired but are easier and cheaper to implement as the instructions are stored in special control memory. The control unit controls all data going in, out and inside the CPU. The control unit decodes the data from ram and turns it into an instruction depending on what instruction set the control unit is programed or hardwired to have. Then if the instruction involves any logic or mathamatical caluculations it gets sent to the alu …show more content…

Cache is a volatile form of storage meaning when the computer is turned off, then the data is lost. Cache cost a lot of money to make meaning it has got a higher cost per byte than ram or flash storage. The reason cache is used for storing frequently instructions near or on the CPU is because it's faster than ram and has less latency, but has a higher capacity than registers at a lower but still high cost compared to other types of storage. In conduction is that cache is a high speed form of temporary storage, which acts as a buffer between the ram and the CPU, which stores frequently used instructions which removes the speed decrease from using the system buses and has low latency and cost less than registers and has a higher …show more content…

Once the instruction from the device has completed the CPU will pick back up where it left off by loading the instructions back from the stack. When an interrupt is send the device must send some code which tells the cpu how to handle its needs this is called an interrrupt hander. Every device which is cababable of sending a interrupt needs to have its own uniqe interrupt hander which is loaded into ram during

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