
Nt1310 Unit 3 Formulas

Satisfactory Essays

#DIV/0! Tried to divide a number by a zero (0) or an empty cell.
#NAME Used a cell range name in the formula but the name isn’t defined. This error occurs sometimes because you type the name incorrectly.
#N/A The formula refers to an empty cell, were no data is available for computing the formula. Sometimes people enter N/A in a cell as a placeholder to signal the fact that data is not entered yet. Revise the formula or enter a number or formula in the empty cells.
#NULL The formula refers to a cell range that Excel cannot understand. Make sure that the range is entered correctly.
#NUM An argument that you use in your formula is invalid.
#REF The cell or range of cells that the formula refers to are not there.
#VALUE The formula includes a

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