
Nt1330 Unit 9 Week 1

Satisfactory Essays

Current scenario
The current scenario has 1,000 employees in an Organization, with ten departments being separated equally geographically and we have a common data center with 20 servers.
Let us assume in 10 departments, we have 100 employees in each of them. These 10 departments update their process and files/data to the data center. The problem could rise on the single support connected to the data center because of the limited resources.
All the departments are connected to the center via one single line this could lead to problems as follows: Throughput: The throughput is the measure of the bandwidth under given scenario; it decreases with increase in the traffic and number of simultaneous connections to the network line. The throughput …show more content…

The IP address is given a unique identification it is one of kind IP address, so it can be trace for any internet activity and find the exact location of website. Domain names are used because it is easier to remember the name rather than the entire website address. All computers on the net have what area unit termed net Protocol addresses ordinarily called associate degree scientific discipline address to be ready to communicate across the network. These addresses, that area unit assigned to all or any computers on a network, area unit created of numerals separated by a dot that don't seem to be essentially simple for North American country to recollect. Therefore, whereas computers simply use these scientific discipline addresses to attach and communicate with one another, it's somewhat more difficult for North American country. It's with keeping such in mind that, net designers and controllers have return up with a translation system that identifies additional simply remembered characters with every and each scientific discipline address. With DNS we need to have the integrated namespace so following DNS use is proposed: an internal DNS namespace, used only on your own network; internal DNS to communicate with external DNS forwarding; and an external DNS namespace to communicate with external

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